Session — ASN Events
'Just' Urban Futures: appraisal of the justice benefits of urban agriculture through a socio-ecological systems lens Moving up the regional governance index: the meta-governance of regions Does the florescence of 'Public Geography' via digital media mask an institutional disconnect within the discipline? Water supply risks and public trust to government about water security in Shanghai, China (Un)bounding housing and home: economy, environment, politics Revitalising rivers Untethered critical sensibilities in development studies Moving towards safety: children’s negotiations of a post-disaster landscape Transnational labour migration: global production networks and the geographies of reproductive labour. (Un)ethical Youth? Assessing Ethical Consumption Dimensions in Senior School Students The NGO climate justice imaginary: insights from the UK Interpretations of Climate Justice by South African and Indian Government and non-Government Actors:  The Results of A Multi-national Empirical Study  Matters of life and death: Suicide by pesticide ingestion in India MEMORIES ON THE BORDER: THE POLITICS OF COMMEMORATION OF THE BERLIN WALL SINCE 1989 Mapping Urban Māori “Bloody Greenies”: How are rural/regional communities perceiving energy transitions and what scope is there for challenging historical, ideological, and discursively formed subjectivities?  Alternative food initiatives: catalysing food citizenship in urban food assemblages Perceptions at the interface: Qualitative GIS for understanding bushfire hazard and amenity Outsourcing adaptation: A critical examination of consultants and how they shape the way government plans for a changing climate Post-Disaster Rehabilitation and Displacement: The Case of the Indian Ocean Tsunami in Thailand Public transport as a 'contact zone' in urban multicultures  Mature forests, naïve policies: the need for critical policy engagement for transformative sustainability in Nepal’s community forestry The 'nature' of environmental justice: ways forward for water planning in the Murray Darling   Landscape Perception of the Yarra Valley as a tool for Conservation Anthropocene Sediment flux in the Manawatu River Catchment, New Zealand